Friday, September 3, 2010

Well, that was fun....

oh... and...

Between the two, I'd say Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10M) will probably go down as the more brutal to accomplish at level. Yogg Saron +1 and that god damned Mimiron Firefighter were positively brutal back then while the zone buff in ICC 10 has made a lot of the bosses and achievements trivial - especially if you massively outgear the Raid. In that case, there's really only one fight and one achievement required that remain legitimately hard in ICC 10 at this point - Sindragosa's Hard Mode and All You Can Eat - but Sindragosa is still a far more forgiving fight than Firefighter was at the time and the achievement basically comes down to "stop bitching about your DPS; do your fucking job and manage stacks", for DPS while essentially all the pressure falls on the tanks to effectively swap. If anyone's going to screw up the stacks and force a wipe, it will be them or someone's failing point 1. Everything else in ICC 10 though? ROFLStomp if you have the gear and know what you're doing and you've been doing it for close to 10 months now sooooo....

The ICC 10 Achievement takes a minimum of two weeks - you've got to be really seeking pain to try and do some of the achievements in the middle of a Hard Mode - while the hard modes themselves in Ulduar basically dictated the achievement list save for some early ones so that achievement could be done in one. But, the simple reality is that the Ulduar Drake would likely be the far rarer of the two if it happened to be removed from the game post Ulduar in the same way as the original Naxx Drakes were. It's inarguable that two of those achievements, as mentioned above, simply were "fuck off and die" on the forgiveness meter at the time and the same can not be said of anything in ICC10.

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